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mixed media
limited edition prints
Flight of the rascals, 13.5″ x 36″, oil on wood, 2023
Tomorrow will be beautiful, 35.5” x 19.5” oil on panel. 2024
Jumping Jesse, 34 x 11.5 oil on wood. 2024
Papachongo, 26” x 18.5”, oil on ponderosa pine. 2024
Somewhere in time, oil on panel. 47 x 23. 2023
Secrets of the Neighborhood, 68 x 46”, oil on clayboard, 2023
Favorite Neighbors, 46” x 22”, oil on panel, 2023
Favorite Neighbor DETAIL 2
Favorite Neighbor DETAIL 1
Sweet Javelina, 16” x 13”, oil on wood, 2024
The Painter and her skeleton, 31.5″ x 20″, oil on wood, 2019
Javelinas at Midnight, 24″ x 30”, oil on linen, 2022
Brett, 30″ x 40″, oil on clayboard panel, 2023
Petting you, petting everyone in the forest, 28.5″ x 33”, oil on wood, 2022
Seduction by Centipede, 30″ x 30”, oil on clayboard, 2022
Snake in the Greenhouse, 18″ x 24″, oil on clayboard, 2022
The Cactus Vendor, 41″ x 14.5″, oil on wood, 2021
The Cactus Vendor, DETAIL
Your touch, a thousand wild creatures, 4’x6’ oil on clay board, 2020
Detail of Your touch, a thousand wild creatures
Before going in, 11″ x 18″, oil on wood, 2022
Picnic for the roadrunners, 11″ x 10”, oil on wood, 2022
Disappearing by nature, 30″ x 43″, oil on wooden panel, 2021
Christina and the SunBear, 33.5” x 29.5”, oil on wooden door, 2022
Odd Pets, 9″ x 17.5”, oil on maple, 2022
Luchini and Zopilote, 10″ x 8″, oil on clayboard, 2022
Studio in the saguaro, 42″ x 8.5”, oil on antique wooden rudder
The Ranger and the bobcat, 30″ x 19″, watercolor and gouache on paper, 2021
Natalie and Izzi, 24″ x 18”, oil on linen, 2022
Friend in need, 27.5″ x 18.5”, oil on wood, 2019
Giant Paws, 11″ x 11″, oil on panel, 2021
Vagabond, 9 x 9″, oil on wood, 2020
Embrace, 32″ x 8.5″, oil on wood, 2020
Terrarium suits, 3’ circle, oil on linen, 2020
Forest floor, 24 x 24”, oil on panel, 2020
Rescue, 33.5″ x 13.5”, oil on walnut, 2022
Studio of the sea, 29.5″ x 49″, oil on wood, 2019
I knew you’d come back, 27.5 x 18”, oil on wooden door, 2018
Retrieval, 33 x 24″, oil on wood, 2019
Reverie of the seals, 43″ x 34″, oil on wood, 2018
Unexpected Odyssey, 46″ x 60″, oil on panel, 2019
Detail of Retrieval
The painter and the octopus, 24″ x 24″, oil on panel, 2019
Chet and the harbor seals, 28″ x 14″, oil on wood, 2018
Last time I saw you there were otters and owls, 16″ x 13″, oil on wood, 2020
Picnic with the harbor seals, 11″ x 15″, oil on clayboard, 2020
Resting place, Clark Island, 12″ x 16″, oil on clayboard, 2018
Sleeping with the jaguars, 12″ x 12″, oil on clayboard, 2017
Gato Montés, 76″ x 34″, oil on wood, 2017
Detail of Gato Montés
Where there is room, where there is light, 43″ x 30″, oil on wood, 2015
Undercurrents, 50″ x 50″, oil on clayboard, 2015
DETAIL of Undercurrents
There came a day, 21″ x 66.5″, oil on wood, 2016
Subterranean family, 35″ x 30″, oil on wood, 2013
Supper for the spotted skunk, 24 x 24”, oil on clayboard, 2014
Hands on the ground, 10″ x 8″, oil on clayboard, 2001
Still a tadpole already a frog, 24″ x 21.5″, oil on wood, 2003
My little inspiration, 10″ x 8″, oil on wood, 2003
Sea Bed, 11″ x 15”, oil on clayboard, 2021
Heat of the day, cool of the night, 65″ x 26.5”, oil on wooden door, 2005
Detail of Heat of the day, cool of the night
Lamp unto my feet, 78” x 29”, oil on wooden door, 2013
Detail of Lamp unto my feet
Mercy on the Rio Grande, 18″ x 36″, oil on panel, 2013
Family secrets too heavy to fly, 20″ x 36”, oil on wood, 2013
Valentine for a cougar, 31.5″ x 74″, oil on wood, 2005
Detail of Valentine for a cougar
Beloved and bewildered, 63″ x 32.5″, oil on wooden door, 2006
Climbing the giant, 63″ x 32.5″, oil on wood, 2006
Better is the ready, 74″ x 31″, oil on wooden door, 2009-2010
Detail of Better is the ready
Farewell, 20″ x 26″, oil on canvas, 2008
How dare you, 34″ x 19″, oil on wooden panel, 2005
Detail of How dare you
Detail #2 of How dare you
I drop everything when I see, 55″ x 79″, oil on wood, 2009
Detail of I drop everything when I see you
May we keep your garden alive, 16”x 12” oil on panel, 2009
My favorite skull, 21 x 13” oil on wood 2006
Providing the pollen, 64″ x 24″, oil on wooden door, 2001
Breakfast in the forest, 16″ x 20″, oil on clayboard, 2012
Support group, 16″ x 20″, oil on clayboard, 2012
Satisfaction, 24.5″ x 15″, oil on wood, 2012
Rising above resistance, 18″ x 9″, oil on wood, 2012
Coaxing a better me, 30″ x 30″, oil on antique metal tabletop, 2012
Devil’s trumpet, 57” x 57” oil on panel 2009
Running beetle, 34″ x 15″, oil on wood, 2000
Head to tail, 16″ x 20″ oil on clayboard, 2012
Catamount, 16″ x 20″, oil on clayboard, 2012
No playing small, 28″ x 23.5″, mixed media, 2007
One hundred bright smiles, 72″ x 48″, oil on clayboard, 2009
Making your appearance, 8″ x 10″, oil on clayboard, 2012
El tecolote
Detail of El tecolote
Out of the ordinary, 30″ x 18″, oil on antique wooden panel, 2013
My earliest memory, 12″ x 15″, watercolor on paper, 2015
Green clover, red berries, 31″ x 23″, oil on wood, 2000
Helpless October, 56″ x 56″, oil on panel, 2008
Detail of Helpless October, 56″ x 56″, oil on panel, 2008
Incomplete darkness, 24″ x 18″, oil on wood, 1994
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mixed media
limited edition prints